
Discussion Question

Which Amendment to the US Constitution would you like to see repealed? This is just a fun exercise, of course, because the reality is that changing the Constitution is next to impossible. The Founding Fathers made it that way for times just such as these. The most recent amendment (the 27th) was ratified in 1992 and the last of any real consequence (besides the 21st, natch, which got rid of prohibition in 1933, thanks be to God), was the 26th, which lowered the voting age to 18 in 1971. Hell, the Equal Rights Amendment languished for years and was only ratified by 31 states (37 are needed) before it expired, and an anti-child labor amendment in the 1920s never passed either. The upshot? The teabaggers may talk a good game about "anchor babies" and "illegal immigration," but they have zero chance of repealing birthright citizenship...and every chance in the world of alienating the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

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