

As their first order of business, the sanctimonious, grandstanding Republicans in the House of Representatives are using their new-found majority to wrap themselves in God and country and read the US Constitution start to finish, which got me to wondering how they'd deal with that whole part about how blacks only count as three-fifths of a full human being, but it appears they've decided to skip over that bit of ugliness writ large by the Founding Fathers.

Hah! They've also decided not to read the 18th Amendment, which was ratified in 1920 and outlawed the sale of alcohol throughout the land.

Prohibition was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.

No word on which lucky Republican gets to read the 14th Amendment -- which grants citizenship to any person born on American soil (such as "anchor-babies") -- or the 16th -- which grants the government the power to "lay and collect taxes."

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