
Dumb as a Box of Rocks...Every One of Them

Michael Steele is chairman of the Republican National Committee. He's up for re-election to the post this month and is facing a stiff challenge by several other GOP pols. At a debate today among the candidates, the hopefuls were asked to name their "favorite book."

CANDIDATE #1: "Reagan Diaries."

CANDIDATE #2: [puzzled] "Favorite bar? Probably my kitchen table. [...] OH! Favorite book! I thought you said favorite bar! Well, I like George W. Bush's new book. How 'bout that?"

CANDIDATE #3: "The law."

CANDIDATE #4: "To Kill A Mockingbird."

CANDIDATE #5: [Michael Steele] Quietly, unsure, almost under his breath, he picked -- implausibly, of course, because who really ever picks that book? -- "War and Peace." Really? Really.

Making matters worse, in an apparent bid to illustrate the depth of his understanding of Tolstoy's doorstop, he quotes the opening lines to Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities ("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times") and then asks, quietly, almost under his breath, "Was that War and Peace?"

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