
Thank Gawd.

Dr. Tiller's killer convicted of 1st-degree murder. If you're at all curious just how much of a loser this lunatic was is, GQ Magazine has a many-thousand word article on him here...
In the past few years he'd come up with a few brainstorms on how to kill Tiller. He had one idea where he wouldn't actually kill him, just cut off his hands with a sword or machete or something, but that was problematic. He'd also considered murdering him at his house. He'd driven by the Tillers', but they lived in a gated community, with a high wall. Probably the most involved plan was this scenario where Scott would buy a high-powered sniper's rifle, climb onto the roof of the office at the abandoned car lot across the street from the clinic, and shoot George Tiller as he drove into his parking lot. In the end, though, he decided the simplest thing was to do it at Dr. Tiller's church.
Mighty Christian of 'im.

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