
Tell Your Friends "I Told You So"...or..."I'll See You in Hell," Send Them a Post-Rapture Message

If you're like me, you have a few recalcitrant friends who just refuse to see the evil of their ways. Heck, if you're like me, you just may be the reason they refuse to see the evil of their ways. Maybe you met them at a pool hall or in a strip bar this one time. Maybe you introduced them to the demon rum or you talked them into blowing out the prayer candles at the cathedral that other time. Maybe y'all climbed to the top of the church spire and slid down the roof a couple/thirty times for fun or spray-painted some certain graffiti on that church parking lot back in the day.

Whatever the case may be, why not take a minute to visit raptureletters.com, a website that gives the saved holy holier-than-thou among us the opportunity to send a letter -- post Rapture, natch -- to all the non-believers out there who will shortly find themselves burning in Hell.

Remember, regardless of your misdeeds, all you gotta do is BELIEVE and you are SAVED, otherwise you may find yourself spending eternity with the likes of this dude.

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