
"Year of the Nutjob"

If it weren't for the fact that they seem to be gaining more traction every day in our political "discourse" (such as it is), I'd be inclined to howl in unremitting glee at the preposterously unqualified -- not to mention unprepared and unhinged -- candidates the Republicans are putting forward in state after state this fall.

You've got Sarah Palin (not a candidate, I know, but she's the Matron Saint of teh Crazy), Christine O'Donnell, Sharon Angle, Dan Maes, Joe Miller, Carl Paladino, Ken Buck, Rand Paul, Bill Randall (added bonus: black teabagger), Tim Crawford, Tom "Let's Put Landmines on the Border" Mullins, Andrew Raczkowski, Ed Martin, Carly Fiorina, and my favorite, the spendthrift, lying lunatic Meg Whitman. And make no mistake about it, there are dozens more.

While several of these candidates fall into the unknowable "are they lying or are they evil?" category, many of them are, quite plainly, nuts...a few sandwiches short of a picnic, if you will. Their elevators don't go the top floor, if you get my drift. The very idea that they are all in races this November, and the media is still talking about heavy Democratic losses, is cause for concern. The idiots have taken over [the Republican Party]. Will we let them take over the government?

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