

LA Times has fawning profile of world class propagandist asshole and racist provocateur Andrew Breitbart that sympathetically lays out the whole Shirley Sherrod incident [in which Brietbart was shown to be massively disingenuous at best and criminally mendacious at worst] on page one, but gives one measly paragraph toward the end in discussing the equally viscous ACORN fiasco...
Last fall, Breitbart made his first big splash. He posted an undercover video in which a pair of conservative activists posing as a prostitute and her boyfriend asked employees of the community group ACORN for help with a brothel that would house underage Salvadorans. ACORN was embarrassed when some of its workers seemed too helpful; Congress responded by defunding the organization.
That's quite possibly the most milquetoast description of that whole episode that could ever be written. It's worth remembering, despite the still scathing public perception, ACORN was fully vindicated in two separate independent investigations. But that didn't save the organization, nor the good work that it once did, from the chopping block, so it was mission accomplished for Andrew Breitbart.

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