
What Amanda Sez...

Amanda Marcotte, the best writer in the blogosphere, weighs in on the "Ground Zero mosque" controversy and explains the utter folly of religious bigotry:
I find all religions to be preposterous, but I find them to be equally preposterous. Right wingers keep making arguments about how Christianity (and they’ll occasionally hat-tip Judaism) is a better religion than Islam, something I find akin to arguing over whether or not vampires are more fun to hang out with than mermaids.[emph. added.]
This controversy has blown up because there’s so many right wing nuts who are dedicated to claiming that their pile of lies about a supernatural being that doesn’t exist is good and true, whereas the Muslim pile of lies about a supernatural being that doesn’t exist is demonic and evil. Meanwhile, those of us who are standing up for tolerance and diversity are kind of in this position where we have to say, “Look, due to the nature of mystical bullshit being all made up, of course there are going to be competing and differing kinds of mystical bullshit.

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