Are you sure the
people with "legal" guns are the ones you want guarding your kids in school?
HUGHSON, CA -- The Marine Corps veteran who achieved national fame this week for guarding Hughson Elementary School had a far less distinguished service career than he has claimed in public, records obtained Thursday show.
Records provided by the Marine Corps show Pusley served nine months before being discharged as a private first class in April 2008. The personnel records further indicate that he never served in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else overseas.
The records contradict Pusley's claims Wednesday to The Modesto Bee and other media that he is a 28-year-old sergeant who served two tours in Iraq, in Baghdad and Ramadi, and one tour in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.
Pusley told the Army Times on Thursday that he feels "horrible about this."
Sure he does. Wouldn't you?
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