
Unity08 Is a Pipe Dream

Given everything that's happened over the past 6-plus years (since the theft of the 2000 election), I'm not sure what makes people think anyone's going to get behind this silly "Unity08" idea. What I want in '08 is "anybody but a Republican." They've had their chance and screwed up pretty much everything. David Broder, among many others, sees things differently, but I'm here to tell you right now, the GOP ticket, whomever they may be, will kick Bloomberg/Hagel ass.

Given the general apathy and lack of involvement of the average American voter, we can only hope the pendulum keeps swinging the way it's going, or we're looking at Giuliani or Romney as president. But Bloomberg/Hagel, or any other bizarre "Unity" ticket, dudn't stand a chance in hell. Bloomberg is basically anonymous outside NYC and Hagel is a hard-core social conservative who has talked tough on the war for years but has rarely voted against Dubya's wishes when it comes to Iraq. He's a classic enabler.

If Ralph Nader taught us anything, it's that we can't be fooling around this time. It's party-line all the way for me this time; all the way.

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