
Covert, Southern-style Racism

[19-year-old Rachel Jeantel, the last person to speak to Trayvon
Martin; used phrases Juror 37 had "never heard before."]
COOPER:  I want to ask you about some of the different witnesses.  Rachel Jeantel, the woman who was on the phone with Trayvon Martin at the start of the incident.
What did you make of her testimony? 
JUROR:  I didn't think it was very credible, but I felt very sorry for her.  She didn't ask to be in this place.  She didn't ask -- she wanted to go.  She wanted to leave.  She didn't want to be any part of this jury.  I think she felt inadequate toward everyone because of her education and her communication skills.  I just felt sadness for her. 
COOPER:  You felt like, what, she was in over her head? 
JUROR:  Well, not over her head, she just didn't want to be there, and she was embarrassed by being there, because of her education and her communication skills, that she just wasn't a good witness.
COOPER:  Did you find it hard at times to understand what she was saying? 
JUROR:  A lot of the times because a lot of the time she was using phrases I have never heard before, and what they meant.
Memo to Juror 37:  You're the one who should be "embarrassed." Your job was not to take pity on the witness.  Your job was not to engage your sanctimonious white-bred superiority. Your job was not to dismiss the witness because she used "phrases I have never heard before."  Your job was to listen to what she was saying.

UPDATE:  Good to see that Juror 37 has been shamed into dropping her "book deal" (or perhaps the publisher dropped her after that train wreck of a CNN interview?). It was a book deal she "and [her] husband" had apparently planned on all along, and how that doesn't violate the sanctity of the jury room, I don't know.

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