
No Idea

I find it exceedingly ironic (not to mention cowardly and politically craven) that the Obama administration has conscripted an angry, out-of-touch, elitist, 79-year-old, paleolithic, fiscally-conservative career politician and erstwhile Republican Senator from the teeming state of Wyoming, USA (population 544,000, 50th in the nation!) to oversee the dismantling reorganization of Social Security -- the paleolithic, fiscally conservative Republicans' ultimate Moby Dick.

Alan K. Simpson, whose father also served in the US Senate and was governor of Wyoming, was born on 3rd base thinking he hit a triple. He's never had to work a real job for even one day in his entire life. And now he's head of a committee dedicated to raising your retirement age and lowering your Social Security benefits, all in the name of a crisis that doesn't really exist. He has no idea what it's like to be a regular American...unless we're talking about regular American assholes.

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